Science Popularisation Wing

KSCSTE aims to popularise Science in the state through various activities like seminars, symposia, workshops, awareness programmes, folklores, short films, documentaries, exhibition, etc, which are of scientific, technological and environmental importance. The activities are carried out through the Academic Institutions, Govt. Departments, Research institutions, University Departments, Professional bodies/groups and other Non-Governmental Organizations within the State of Kerala engaged in promoting scientific research.

Science Popularisation is done through following programmes:-

Dr. P. Harinarayanan
Senior Principal Scientist
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Dr. P. Harinarayanan
Principal Scientist
Kerala State Council for Science Technology & Environment (KSCSTE)
SasthraBhavan, Pattom P. O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004
Ph: 0471-2548299
E.mail: hari[dot]kscste[at]kerala[dot]gov[dot]in