Information Systems Division
Information Systems Division (ISD) is responsible for overall management and administration of all ICT related programmes of KSCSTE HQ. Library and Documentation is also administered from ISD.
e-Office Implementation : As part of the e-Governance programme, KSCSTE has implemented e-Office(e-File system) of NIC at KSCSTE HQ and its R&D Centres. ISD is the nodal division responsible for the co-ordination of various activities for the smooth and efficient running of e-Office.
ICT Infrastructures: Implementation and maintenance of various ICT infrastructures at KSCSTE HQ. This involves ensuring trouble free operation of the Information Network installed at KSCSTE, Maintenance of Servers etc.
Facility Management: Managing Facility Management Services relating to ICT components and ensuring the service is provided as per the Service Level Agreements. Managing the prompt licensing and updating of software.
Procurement: Providing necessary assistance in the procurement of desktop computers, laptops, and other ICT Infrastructure.
Application Development: Development of various in-house application software based on the requirements of KSCSTE.
Website Management: Updation and Maintenance of various websites of KSCSTE.
Support of Events: Management of Online Registration and Data Management associated with Various Events & Programmes conducted by KSCSTE.
KSCTE Research Fellowship: Co-ordination and conduction of the KSCSTE Research Fellowship online examination.
Stakeholder Management: Co-ordinating with internal and external stakeholders for the successful implementation of ICT Projects of KSCSTE.
Scientific Gate, Kerala (SciGate-Kerala) : In Line with the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2012, and the draft Science and Technology policy released by Government of Kerala, Kerala State Council For Science, Technology and Environment is embarking upon a novel initiative to develop an Innovative Online Digital Platform for mapping the Scientists, Researchers, Faculty Members and members who have a passion for science research (Working in Kerala or from Kerala, working in other States or countries). Aim of which is to create an online collaborative platform for sharing information and learning Science. As we all know that Science is becoming increasingly inter- and multi-disciplinary, and calls for multi-institutional, multi-country participation, and the support of Private Sector, the online platform developed will have multifaceted use. The platform allows Scientists, Researchers, Faculty Members and other science enthusiasts to register themselves online and enter their personal information at ease, as the system will present the user with a list of scientific publication that might have been published, based on the author’s name and the author can select the right ones by selecting it from the list. If willing, the authors can upload pdf versions of their full papers/abstract to the system.
SciGate will serve as a catalyst to encourage the Research and Development (R&D) output and also permit multi stakeholder participation in the R&D system of the State and helps in mapping the publications made from Kerala in various disciplines of basic and applied sciences.
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Dr. Sabarish K Chief Scientist |
Sri. Sunil Kumar S Project Fellow |
Smt. Anuja N B Project Fellow |
Smt. Reshma R Project Fellow |
Head, Information Systems Division
Kerala State Council for Science Technology & Environment
Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004
Ph: + 91-471-2548232
E-mail: isd[dot]kscste[at]kerala[dot]gov[dot]in