In the light of the initiation of a number of new activities related to promotion and sustenance of quality and excellence in science education at all levels, starting from school level to the university level, the Science Education Division was created in the Council. The primary role of the Division is to design and implement schemes and programmes to promote science education in the State. Broadly, the activities of the Division focus on improving human potential in science and ambience in schools towards science education.

Dr. Anilkumar C
Senior Principal Scientist & Head
Er. Arjun Prasad (on Leave)
Junior Scientist
Dr. Neethu B
Junior Scientist


Smt. Remya R Mohan
Project Assistant

Head, Science Education Division (SED)
Kerala State Council for Science Technology & Environment (KSCSTE)
Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom P. O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004
Ph: + 91-471-2548218/223
E.mail: sed[dot]kscste[at]kerala[dot]gov[dot]in