Science and Technology play a vital role in the development strategy in various sections of the society. Full utilization of sufficient number of educated and trained women in Science and Technology is an economic and effective option to meet the challenges in development. In Kerala, though the State has the highest women literates, their representation in Science career is relatively low.

To respond to the call for increased participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture & Medicine (STEAM), KSCSTE has launched the Women Scientists Division (WSD). The objective of the Division is to provide an institutional framework for coordinating and implementing various programmes so as to bring in more women into Science & Technology, thereby utilizing their talents and potential for economic development. The key strategy of the Division is to identify and implement various schemes and programmes that help to attract and retain women and girls in S&T fields and motivate them to pursue career in these fields.

WSD operates the following schemes and programmes:- 1. Back-to Lab Fellowship programme(BLP) 2.Two-day Workshop Programme(RMW) 3. One-day Awarenesprogramme(AWP) 4. Scholarship Programme 5. Science camps for Prathibha Scholars
Dr. Jaya Jacob
Junior Scientist
Smt. Jisha L V
Project Assistant

Head, Women Scientists Division
Kerala State Council for Science Technology & Environment (KSCSTE)
SasthraBhavan, Pattom P. O.,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004
Ph: 0471-2548402