Malabar Botanical Garden & Institute for Plant Sciences (KSCSTE-MBGIPS) is an institution of the Government of Kerala, administered by the Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), dedicated to the conservation and research on aquatic plant diversity, lower group plants, endangered plants of the erstwhile Malabar Region, as well as disseminating knowledge on various facet of plant sciences. By virtue of possessing a vast morass land, the Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences becomes unique in the nation ideal for ex situ conservation of aquatic/wetland plants and for undertaking research on them. The educational value of the Garden lies with the descriptive labels displayed for the different sections and plants. KSCSTE-MBGIPS is recognized as a research centre of Botany under University of Calicut , Regional Centre of Expertise in Sustainable education of United Nations University, Japan and also a member of Botanic Garden Conservation International, London. The MoEF&CC, Govt. of India has approved MBGIPS as a “Lead Botanic Garden” in the conservation of aquatic plants.