KSCSTE instituted Best Scientist Award in the year 2022, to recognize the remarkable and significant achievements of Scientists in KSCSTE system. It will be presented to the best among the Scientists in appreciation of the scientific excellence and research contributions to the scientific community and society. The award will be bestowed on during the Kerala Science Congress. The award comprises of a plaque and Research Project grant amounting up to a maximum of Rs. 30 Lakhs or as per the scientific/technical proposal, whichever is less, based on a proposal from the awardee.

Nominations will be invited from the Directors of the Centres. A maximum of 3 nominations can be suggested from each R&D institute or HQ.

  • The Nominee should be a permanent employee of the KSCSTE or its affiliated R&D institution
  • The nominee should have completed a minimum of 3 years of continuous service in the said organization
  • The nominee should have published a minimum of 3 research papers in peer reviewed international journals (SCI/SCOPUS indexed) in the last 5 years OR should have filed for at least one patent in the last 5 years.
  • The nominee should have secured minimum one Externally Funded Research project as PI or Co-PI and cumulative value of projects not less than Rs. 10.0 Lakhs in the last 5 years.
  • The nominee should not have had any adverse remarks in their service through penalty/suspension, etc.
  • The candidate who has already received KSCSTE Best Scientists Award in the last 5 years are not eligible to apply

The best performer will be selected by an expert Committee comprising of subject experts from various sectors.

SL No Year Awardee
1 2022 Dr. B. Sabulal
Senior Principal Scientist and Head
Phytochemistry & Phytopharmacology Division
KSCSTE - Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, TVM
2 2023 Dr. U. Surendran
Principal Scientist,
KSCSTE – Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode