Science Literature Awards (SLA)
Science Literature Awards (SLA) are meant to recognize the contributions made by science writers in promoting Science through Science Literature in Malayalam. The awards are under the following five categories
1. Science Book (Children's Literature)
2. Science Book (Popular Science)
3. Science Book (In-depth Science)
4. Science Journalism Award
5. Science Book (Malayalam translation)
Nominations invited for KSCSTE Science Literature Awards 2023
Applications are invited through advertisement every year. Application should be submitted in the prescribed format along with 3 copies of the books.
- Each Award carries a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/-, a plaque and certificate.
- Science writers in Malayalam
- Application by nomination
Scientist – in- Charge (SLA)
Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE)
Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram – 4.
Tel: 0471-2548 223,
- Notification : Malayalam English
- Guidelines
- Application Form/Nomination form