Awareness Programme
Awareness Programme On “Technological Advances In Transforming Women’s Lives”
A scheme is to provide a platform for creating awareness on the use of Science & Technology for improving the day-to-day living conditions of women. The scheme provides financial assistance for conducting awareness programme on technologies and skills applicable at the local level that lead to improving the socio-economic and living conditions of women.
Application can be submitted in response to KSCSTE notification issued once a year, normally during June.
- Maximum support of Rs.30,000/-
- Scientists, Academicians, Professionals working in Universities and R&D institutions, Colleges and NGOs etc. who are experts in the relevant field are eligible to apply for financial assistance for organizing the program.
Scientist in Charge
Kerala State Council of Science, Technology and Environment
Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom (P.O), Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004
Ph: 0471 2548402