Wetland Conservation

Wetland Technical Unit coordinates the Research and Development activities for wetland conservation and management programmes including preparation of Management Action Plans (MAP). The WTU also takes up wetland awareness programmes in the state. The Wetland Technical Unit is assigned to provide technical support to Government and State Wetland Authority on wetland conservation and management. The Management Action Plans are prepared with support of the R&D institutions of KSCSTE.

The KSCSTE provides financial support to agencies for celebrating the World Wetland day every year. The applications for the financial support will be invited in the month of December every year. The application format can be downloaded from the website of KSCSTE.

Applications are invited through advertisement every year.

The maximum financial support for agencies is as follows:

  • Government/Aided Colleges/R&D institutions in the State – Rs 20,000/-
  • Non-Governmental Organisations actively involved in wetland conservation– Rs.15,000/-

Applicant must hold a regular position in a Government/Aided College, University Department, R&D Centres of the Council and other Research Organizations, Government Agencies and Non-Government Organizations involved in wetlands conservation activities.

The Coordinator Wetland Technical Unit Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram – 4. Tel: 0471-2548299 / 0471-2548404 (O), Email: wtu.kscste@kerala.gov.in
  • Guidelines
  • Application Form
  • Format for Statement of Expenditure Form and Utilisation Certificate Form
  • Format for Report
  • Electronic Clearing Service Facility for Receiving Payments Form