Intellectual Property Rights Information Centre – Kerala (IPRICK)
Intellectual Property Rights Information Centre – Kerala (IPRICK)’ established vide Govt. Order (No.5/2018/S&TD, dated 29.11.2018) is the Nodal Agency of the Kerala State for all the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) related services and matters IPRICK is the Advisory Centre for Government of Kerala on all the IPR related matters. IPRICK caters to the various IP needs of Scientists, Researchers, Academicians, Professionals, Industrialists, Entrepreneurs, R&D/Academic Institutions, Organizations, Govt./University Department, Start ups, Policy makers, Grass root Innovators, etc, in the State. IPRICK has been in the forefront in creating awareness about IPR in the State. The activities of the Centre encompass assisting individual Inventors/ Institutions/Organizations/Departments/Start ups/ MSMEs in protecting their inventions and creative works through appropriate form of IPR, inculcating IPR culture among the scientific community, providing advice and technical inputs to State Government on IPR related issues, framing Govt. policies/rules on IPR matters, etc. All Departments, Organizations, Institutions, Enterprises in the State can approach IPRICK for advices/services on IPR related matters. The ultimate goal of IPRICK is to increase the IP output of the State.
Proposals are invited from Research Centres/R&D Institutions, Universities, Colleges, Govt. Departments, Govt. Organizations and other Academic Institutions for establishing IPR Cell with the support of KSCSTE. Only, technical support is provided for establishing the IPR Cells and no financial assistance will be provided under the scheme. Institutions fulfilling the eligibility criteria may submit the proposal along with the supporting documents on or before February 07, 2025 (05.00 pm). Please refer the Guidelines before applying.
Guidelines for establishing IPR Cells
Applications for Financial/Technical assistance for conducting IPR awareness programmes will be invited through notification in the website, on quarterly basis, generally during January, April, July and October. Patent Facilitation Forms can be submitted round the year.
- Technical and Financial support to R&D/ Academic Institutions, Organizations, Govt./University Departments, well established Non Governmental Organizations, Professional Bodies, etc, for conducting Seminars/Workshops/Conferences on IPR. Maximum financial assistance of Rs.50,000/- (one day Programme) and Rs.75,000/- (two day Programme).
- Technical and Legal support for filing Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Industrial Designs, Geographical Indications, etc, through the Official Attorney of KSCSTE/ Patent Facilitating Centre – TIFAC, New Delhi.
- Technical, Legal and Financial support to grass root innovators with poor financial background, for drafting and filing their patent application, as per the IPR policy of KSCSTE.
- In house prior art patent database search to determine the patentability status of inventions, free of cost.
- In house free of cost trademark search facility to check whether the proposed trademark is new.
- Guidance to the innovators/creators for protecting their intellectual properties.
- Provides access to IPR related documents and supply of these documents on specific request and based on availability.
- Selection of Institutions for conducting IPR programmes through screening the applications and the recommendations of Expert Committee.
- Technical/Financial Assistance for conducting IPR Awareness Programmes: Faculty members of University Departments/ Educational Institutions, Scientists/ Officials of R&D/Scientific Institutions, Govt. Officials, Officials of NGO’s/ Professional Bodies.
- Technical Assistance for filing Patents: Any individual Inventor/Institution/Organization/ University.
Dr. Binuja Thomas
Nodal Officer , IPRICK
Intellectual Property Rights Information Centre – Kerala (IPRICK),
KSCSTE, Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004.
Tel: 0471 – 2548211, 2548315
- Application Format for conducting IPR Awareness Programmes
- Guidelines for IPR programmes
- Terms and Conditions
- Format of Budget Estimate
- Endorsement from the Institution
- Patent Facilitation Form
- Guidelines for establishing IPR Cell
- Format of Statement of Expenditure
- Utilization Certificate
Download the appropriate forms/documents and send hard copy to the Director, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004